Leverage Marketing Coordinates Bubble Wrap® Appreciation Day

- 03/25/2014
Sealed Air Corporation of Elmwood Park, New Jersey recently named the home video “Bubble Wrap® Bike” created by Eric Buss of Burbank, California, as the inaugural inductee into the Bubble Wrap® Appreciation Day Hall of Fame.
But it was the Leverage Marketing Group in Newtown, CT that gave the promotion its pop. Leverage handled the redesign of the website for the promotion, ran the voting operations, and worked closely with both Sealed Air Corporation and its public relations firm to execute the social media strategy.
"The promotion was tied so closely to social media that it was critical we completely embraced those tools, such as integrating social feeds and share functionality, and designing a responsive mobile site," explains Leverage CEO Tom Marks.
The winning video features Buss riding a bicycle equipped with a huge roll of Bubble Wrap® affixed to the bike atop the front wheel. As Buss rides the bike on his suburban street, the bubbles are popping, resulting in a repetitive burst of air escaping from the packaging.
A Sealed Air Corporation release stated the following: “Bubble Wrap® fans have displayed a great deal of creativity and the ability to turn the one and only Bubble Wrap® material into something new and exciting outside of its intended use,” said Rohn Shellenberger, Business Manager, Sealed Air. “The Bubble Wrap® Appreciation Day Hall of Fame is a place to forever enshrine fans’ ingenuity with us.”
Eric Buss’ entry video can be viewed here.