Community Gardens for 2013 United Way Annual Report

- 03/25/2014
Leverage Marketing Group has recently completed the 2013 annual report for United Way of Western Connecticut. The snapshot of a community garden was the inspiration for the overall design.
In an introductory letter from the organization’s Chief Executive Officer Kimberly A. Morgan and Board Chair James W. Schmotter, it states, “United Way’s role is to plant seeds of opportunity through funds, provide resources through volunteerism that creates a fertile community that can support growth, and share with our donors the results of the harvest of improved lives in western Connecticut.”
The community garden theme inspired Leverage Marketing to tell the story of the organization’s efforts to create lasting change in the communities it serves through a series of images and written content which punctuated the overarching topic.
“A thriving, growing organization like United Way of Western Connecticut impacts the community in many ways,” noted Leverage’s CEO Tom Marks. “The strong imagery derived from the use of key phrases employed to illustrate the theme such as, ‘seeds of hope’ and ‘fruits of our labor’ helps depict that impact in a colorful, vibrant way,” Marks continued. “We’re thrilled to have helped them set the tone for a banner year in 2014.”