Appreciation for the Pop!

- 01/31/2011
It's January 31st, and if you haven't already taken the time to pop some BubbleWrap® between your fingers, today's the day to do it.
Leverage did.
In fact, LMG spearheaded social media efforts for Sealed Air Corporation's BubbleWrap® Appreciation Day, an annual celebration of BubbleWrap®'s successful existence in the packaging and entertainment world.
Starting from the beginning of January, Leverage's Account Executive and Social Media specialist Jennifer Brabson posted
several updates leading up to the day. Post included, humorous video shorts, clever ways to use Bubble Wrap, and several pictures of Bubble Wrap uses.
Art Director Don Whelan "popped" in, too. He was in charge of revamping the BubbleWrap microsite, which automatically posted feeds and updates from the BubbleWrap® Twitter and Facebook sites.
Leverage's efforts have nearly accounted for 10,000 fans on Facebook! It's hard work, but at heart, we're all just a bunch of "Bubble Poppers!"